Skater Name: Aim And Kill [AK] #47
What league(s) are you/have you been affiliated with? RRRG, URGE, GDD (Bring the Pain) How long have you been skating (derby)? This is my 5th season How did you discover roller derby? A close friend of mine (annathrax) was on RRRG and when I watched her bout, I knew I wanted to skate. List your notable derby injuries...My right knee has been mostly numb for going on 2 years or more. When I can feel it following a fall...I know I’m in trouble. What do you do to get in to “derby mode”? I love putting on my "bout-fit" How did you select your derby name and number? Well, I recently got married and my legal name is Amy Kilpatrick, soooo my name is Aim and Kil - AK47 How do you pay the bills, feed your derby addiction? I help teenagers in learning how to handle emotions and life in general...then after work I can allow myself to do something that helps me with mine - derby! Most notable derby accomplishment? Most Valuable Player Favorite food? Bad for me pasta (Ziti Bolognese from Tito's) or bad for me pizza (any kind, any time, any where) Favorite derby moment? My favorite moment was the first time I was announced in a bout and took my first lap. Any hidden talents off the track? I am a cat whisperer Any hobbies besides derby? Talking, not talking, eating cheese, taking Elvis pictures (my cat) Favorite book? I haven’t written it yet. Favorite song that gets you pumped for derby? Loud and Fast will do just fine. Do you have Tattoos? What, where, and why? Let's just agree that I don't :) What is something that most people don’t know, or would never guess about you? I am half of a comedic duo. What was your previous athletic background, if any? Various athletic activities preceded Derby, none worth mentioning because nothing compares to the sport of roller derby. Which skater inspires you most, and why? It would be hard to pick just one. Every one of us has a life outside of derby full of responsibilities and hardships. Every one of us pushes ourselves physically and emotionally to be good at this sport. We are a “pack” of friends and I respect any woman that puts on a pair of skates. Do you have any advice for skaters just starting out? Start running outside of practice and start'll thank me later. Favorite Derby Gear? My Helmet, I love the individuality that stickers provide. I have a Punisher Skull in the front of my helmet amd many others of course. List 3 things that you plan to accomplish in 2012? 3 things to accomplishment in 2012…hmmmm…well, I was hoping to get a year older (which I accomplished this week J), I am registered to run my first 10K on July 4th in Atlanta, and …. Improve as a skater…which is a goal every year.
The Dames were at it again hosting another double header on May 12th, this time featuring The Camel City Thrashers from Winston Salem, NC and The Hard Knox Roller Girls from Knoxville, TN. Season 4, Bout 4 was also GDD's Military/First Responders appreciation bout honor those who serve our country everyday with an honor guard, bag piper and presentation at the All Stars half-time. The Babes brought their total victory tally to 4-1, dominating the Camel City Thrashers. The Babes had their pack work down against Camel City, allowing jammers like Miss Align, Trama Queen and Dolly Decker to just rack up the points. Final score 176-46. May brought The GDD All Stars their toughest competitor yet. The Dames went up against The Hard Knox Roller Girls, a well-respected and full-fledged WFTDA team (who brought an army of diehard fans). Although the Dames and Hard Knox both had seen their share of skater turn over – Hard Knox had the upper hand with experienced jammers like Drop Dead Gorgeous and Evil Lucia. The All Stars had one hell of a time trying to contain those two jammers while trying to help their own jammers like Country Bruiser, Annathrax and Conway Hitty through the pack. The first few jams were brutal with Hard Knox putting up 14, 10 & 13 point jams to GDD’s 0 consecutively. At one point in the first half the All Stars were down 48-2, but definitely not out of this bout. Amazingly the All Stars were able to hold off Hard Knox’s jammers for 2 jams in a row allowing Amber Rage and AnnaThrax to make some big gains 19-0, 20-0 back to back getting the Dames within striking distance of a lead and back into the game. However it wasn’t enough to do much damage the first half the All Stars had a series shut of 11 consecutive jams that posted no points for the Dames. The All Stars had some hard working packs those jams however keeping Hard Knox from running up the board too much. Thankfully the last jam of the first half Annathrax posted another 15 point jam in favor of the Dames bringing the score at the half to 60-89 in favor of Hard Knox. The Dames lived up to their reputation as a second-half team. The All Stars took time to take a breather and get their heads back into the game. The first 3 jams went in favor of the All Stars and all though Hard Knox pulled out some big jams, the Dames never gave up fighting each and every jam and playing as smart as they possibly could every power jam. Those Hard Knox girls were tough and their experience pulled out the Dames first loss of their fourth season. Final score 144-127 Hard Knox. Have no fear though, GDD fans – the Dames hit the road this weekend, headed to Knoxville for a rematch!
Name Grumpy Old Man (Wayne Weinstein)
League Affiliation Greenville Derby Dames How did you become involved with Roller Derby? Spent many Saturdays watching on TV as a “kid” and going to as many games I could get to. My favorite game. How Long Have You Been Involved in Derby? 5 Years Any Hobbies Outside of Derby? Restoring antique vending machines have quite a few Day Job to Feed Derby Habit? I/T guy 32 years Favorite Food? Food Favorite Music to Get You Bout Ready? Classic Rock Favorite Thing About Reffing? When I reffed it was different we all were just starting out. Learning the rules and enforcing them. Most Hated Thing About Reffing? Fast packs not the greatest skater Most Challenging Thing About Reffing? For me the back talk Most Common Misconception About Refs? We call what we want to call hate that How Do You Prepare for an Upcoming Bout? Pace until the whistle is ready to go. How Has Derby Changed You? Emptied my bank account. Worst Injury? A complete split tore both groin muscles (No more Reffing) Favorite Position to Ref? I only did inside. Least Favorite Position to Ref? Jam Ref (again not a great skater) Do You Have A Favorite Call to Make? Why? Any violation of the rules. Favorite Derby Moment? Very first trip to ECDX How Do You Handle the Stress/Pressure's of Reffing? Don’t have any I now NSO How has time/experience changed how you ref a game? As an NSO I try to do my job to the best of my ability. Advice for new refs? Learn the rules and never doubt yourself. |
AuthorGreenville Derby Dames Archives
July 2013